Tuesday, August 18, 2009

crossing the Mississippi today

Aug 18 2009 odometer 82485 Vicksburg Mississippi

Well I finely got a hotel room with WiFi that actually works. So let's ketch up a bit.

This past week has ben a bit of a blur. Since my last post I stayed in The gay capital of the east coast, Province town Mass., New York city with David and Francine in their beautiful flat in the Soho area, transversed the blue ridge and smokey mountains (700 + miles of twisting maintain roads, thanks to Davids suggestion) and wound up down here in Vicksburg Mississippi. That's it in a nut shell. I'm not really in the mood to write at the moment so I'm off to Louisiana and then Texas for a new back tire and possibly lunch with my high school sweet heart.
Chow for now.


  1. yeah dude, Provincetown, MA is definitely the GAY capital of the world, but it's got some really cool shops, and eateries to check out. My hometown is Dennis, MA, which you would've had to drive through to get to P-town, total summer destination. Safe travels!

  2. Hey Sweetie-Looks like you're having some good adventure time-ride safe with a smile, love, Gingi
